Dianna Tahbo

Prayer Feathers

3 1/2" H x 4 3/4" D

Dianna Tahbo is the sister of the well known Hopi potter Mark Tahbo. However, Dianna has made a name for her own self with a unique blend of traditional and contemporary designs.

Appearing in Rick Dillingham's book, Fourteen Families in Pueblo Pottery, Dianna states, "I consider the background of where [pottery making] came from, the family. I learned most of what I know from Mark [Tahbo].

I was always interested in it since I first noticed pottery, and I got a lot of good feedback from Mark. I've grown to learn that pottery becomes a part of you... the feelings of that, and how I indentify with it and how it identifies with me."

Dianna's roots are primarily Tewa, and she is of the Spider Clan. She was born in 1960 and has been an active potter since 1980. Among her favorite designs are butterflies and hummingbirds.

Along with her appearance in Fourteen Families in Pueblo Pottery (p. 8)., Dianna is featured in The Art of the Hopi by Jerry and Lois Jacka (p.70, 72), and Hopi-Tewa Pottery: 500 Artists Biographies by Gregory Schaff (p. 157).

Dianna's work is becoming increasingly fine and therefore more heavily sought after.

Gallery Price: $390.00


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